Welcome to mofumofu.me
Kumacoin Mining Pool
Kumacoin Mining Pool
- Minimum payout: / 最低支払額: 0.1 KUMA
- Payment interval: 10 min. / 支払間隔: 10 分
- Pool fee: / 使用手数料: 0.5 %
- Payment method: / 支払方法: PROP
Last updates
Jun/04/2020 Welcome!
Pool and Network Stats
Coin: Kumacoin
Miners Online: 1
Workers Online: 1
Pool Hash: 10.24 MH/s
Pool Fee: 0.5 %
Min Pay: 0.1 KUMA
Block Height: 4510343
Network Hash: 27.32 MH/s
Difficulty: 0.37378727
Node Connections: 16
Daemon: v0.8.9.9-c60962c-dirty
4 Minutes
Kumacoin Minerd Settings
Username: your Kumacoin address
Algorithm: Quark
CPU (diff. 0.01): stratum+tcp://kuma.mofumofu.me:3321
GPU (diff. 1): stratum+tcp://kuma.mofumofu.me:3322
High-end (diff. 100): stratum+tcp://kuma.mofumofu.me:3323
Cloud (diff. 10000): stratum+tcp://kuma.mofumofu.me:3324
e.g.: ccminer -a quark -o stratum+tcp://kuma.mofumofu.me:3321 -u {Address}.{Worker}
Mining Servers Infomation
South East Asia
DDoS Protected
High spec CPUs
Large capacity RAM
High speed storage
High speed network